Agustos ayina girmemize 1 gun kala raflarda sevdigimiz dergilerin Agustos sayilari da yerini aldi. Agustos ayi dergileri benim icin genelde huzunlu olur. Neden diye sorarsaniz daha yaz bitmeden Sonbahar / Kis koleksiyonlari ve modasini tanitirlar bize. Yazin yavas yavas bittiginin habercesi olurlar. Olsun biz yine de onlari da seviyoruz. Biraz da Sonbahar / kis icin heycanlanmamizi sagliyorlar. Dergi kapaklarina gelirsek... Bu ay dergi kapaklarini hemen hemen ayni yildizlar susluyorlar. Alip okudugum bir kacina gore de icerigini de gayet begendim. Sizler ne dusuneceksiniz acaba...
There's only one day until August; but the August issues of our favorite fashion magazines are already in the shelves. Usually August issues are pretty sad for me. If you as why, they publish new collections and show us new trends of Autumn/Winter. They break the news that summer is ending slowly. Anyways, we love them either way. They also make us exited about new season. About cover stories... This month, mostly same celebrities are on the cover. The few that I bought and read their content is also very charming. Let's see what're your thoughts...
Vogue Turkiye: Miranda Kerr
Vogue UK : Emma Stone
Vogue Paris : Marion Cotillard
Marie Claire UK : Marion Cotillard
Marie Claire Hungary : Marion Cotillard
Harper's Bazaar UK : Miranda Kerr
Interview : Mila Kunis
Glamour : Mila Kunis